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Magic Masks

Sokoban-like game but adds another layer of complexity.

Role: Game and Level design

Platform: PC (Steam)

Official Website: Magic Masks

Release: May 2018

Award: 2015 E3 College Game Competition - Finalist

Magic Masks is a Sokoban-like puzzle game in which you have to push boxes around to solve puzzles. There are four different kinds of masks to collect which give your character different special powers. For example, the Creation Mask enables you to create your own box out of thin air, and the Teleport Mask allows you to swap the positions of existing boxes throughout the level.


My role in the game was as a level designer which involved level layout, puzzle design, game mechanics design, prototype, systems tuning, and game debugging. I designed 40 out of 71 puzzles, as well as some UI and UX design.

Release Trailer

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